How Not to Be a Representation Snob

I will start this off by saying that I have never once watched a full episode of Steven Universe, only bits and pieces here and there. I have mostly learned what I know about it from cultural osmosis and friends who are into the show. That being said, I have always admired it from afar as a show that encourages progressive thinking about gender and gay relationships.

Thus, I was horrified recently to hear about one of the show’s storyboard artists being chased off of twitter.

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The Importance of Canonically Gay Characters, or: Why I love 7th Dragon III

Those who follow me on twitter will know that I have been screaming nonstop about the game 7th Dragon III for a few weeks now. Part of this is due to the fact that it’s a fun game with fun characters, but a larger part of my love for this game comes from how unbelievably gay it is.


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